About Me

I am currently a full professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. Prior to joining UESTC, I was a Postdoc research fellow at City University of Hong Kong and a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technolgoical University from 2021 to 2024. My current research interests focus on AI Security and Privacy.

I have published over 50 CCF-A papers in reputable security conferences/journals, such as IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, ICML, NeurIPS, CVPR, TDSC and TIFS. Currently, I serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE TDSC, TIFS, TCSVT, TNSM and IEEE/ACM TASLP. Moreover, I have had the privilege of participating as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member over 30 top tier conferences such as KDD'25(Area Chair), ICML'25 (Area Chair), ICLR'25 (Area Chair), AAAI'25 (Senior Program Committee), CSCW'25 (Associate Chair), IJCNN'25 (Area Chair), ICML'24 (Area Chair), CHI'25, VR'25, EuroS&P'25, NeurIPS'24, CVPR'24, ACSAC'24, WWW'23, etc.


Email: guowen.xu@uestc.edu.cn